TSA workers ratify union contract

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  airport_aviation_security Image Caption:  AFGE/TSA officials sign agreement Transportation Security Administration workers voted to ratify their first-ever collective bargaining agreement with the agency on Nov. 9. The agreement between the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) and TSA was ratified with a vote of 17,326-1,774, according…

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TSO’s union, TSA back at negotiating table for two days

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  airport_aviation_security The union that represents 45,000 federal airport security officers nationwide and the Transportation Security Administration are back at the negotiations table hoping to wind up talks on their first collective bargaining agreement.  A report in the July 30 issue of the American Federation of…

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Obama’s Populist State of the Union Address

President Obama has the chance to talk to the biggest audience he'll get before the election in November. This is Obama's chance to make his case without pesky reporters asking questions or the Republican nominee sharing the stage. We're liveblogging the speech — plus the reactions from Republicans, the Tea…

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