In Secret Recordings Aired on Dr. Phil, Voice Said to Be Jared Fogle’s Discusses Sexual Desires for Children

Secretly-taped phone recordings aired on Thursday’s “Dr. Phil” show allegedly carrying the voice of Jared Fogle contain admissions of the speaker’s sexual interest in children. Fogle, the former spokesman for the Subway sandwich chain, agreed in September to plead guilty to having sex with minors and child pornography, and will…

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Airservices Australia extends Exelis C4i voice communications contract to additional airports

Top Priority Sector:  airport_aviation_security Exelis C4i, a business unit of Exelis Inc. has been awarded a contract extension by Airservices Australia to provide its voice communications system to six additional airports. Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or The post Airservices Australia extends Exelis C4i…

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Creepy Voice from Baby Monitor Yells at baby

It’s middle of the night and 10-month-old Adam Schreck’s daugher was asleep in her room.  Adam had a baby monitor that was also equipped with a camera.  Suddenly, there was a creepy voice coming from the baby monitor. Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or…

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