The government is hiring hackers to help bring Australia into the 21st Century

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

It’s fair to say that Hacker News is probably not at the top of the list of publications where you’d expect to see the Australian government advertising jobs. And an “ethical hacker” is probably not the type of job you would expect the Australian government to be hiring for, either. But when you are trying to revolutionise online services for a government that will spend more than $430 billion this year, at a time when competition across the planet for people with coding skills is exceptionally fierce, you have to get creative. So that’s exactly with the newly formed Digital Transformation Office is doing. The ethical hacking job quietly appeared on Hacker News, a computer science, hacking and cyber security community. It shines a light on the unique situation the DTO, which was recently set up by the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull, is in. The new agency’s mandate is to unify all of the government’s disparate online services and make them simpler and faster to use. “We are living at a time when citizen expectations are really high.” DTOs CEO Paul Shetler tells Fairfax Media in an interview. With a few touches on a smartphone, we can upload and filter photos on Instagram, order a private car on Uber, book a room using Airbnb, or order dinner on […]

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