Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans While some experts believe there was nothing malicious about the more than three-hour cyber breakdown of the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday, they do not want to admit the system’s vulnerabilities either to the public or the government, because it…

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Anonymous – Operation Blackout (Anti P.I.P.A)

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/AntiPipa ORIGINAL SPEECH SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czY-dZQsd-k ———————————————–… ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com

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Anonymous – A message on internet censorship – Operation blackout [Mirror]

EMERGENCY ACTION AUTHORIZED. ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL PROTESTS IS NEEDED. CONVERGE AT FREEWAYS AND HIGHWAYS. LIBRARIES, MALLS, GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, SCHOOLS…ALL ARE ACCEPTABLE AREAS! STARTING TODAY! INFO ON BILLL: www.washingtonpost.com en.wikipedia.org The names and contact details of the Founders of this bill can be found here: pastebin.com pastebin.com pastebin.com pastebin.com pastebin.com Post…

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Anonymous – Why Operation Blackout

SOPA TECHNICALLY PASSES: www.cbsnews.com Why we’re going with Operation Blackout. Keep spreading this flyer: www.scribd.com/doc/73211990/Operation-Blackout The Official OpBlackout Video is here, spread the video…THE PEOPLE MUST RISE UP!!: www.youtube.com Major Corporations Supporting SOPA Bill (EXPECT US): Read more…. View full post on Anonymous Daily

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