Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Two teenagers face charges from the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly being members of well-known hacking groups Lizard Squad and PoodleCorp. On Thursday (Oct. 6), Krebs on Security reported that the pair have been charged with credit card theft and The…
Lizard Squad Teen Hacker Convicted On Over 50K Charges Of Cyber-Crime
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A teenage member of the notorious hacking group Lizard Squad has received a two-year suspended sentence for numerous cyber crimes. All tallied, he was convicted of 50,700 charges related to computer crimes, and in addition to his two-year suspended sentence, he…
‘Lizard Squad’ hacker pleads guilty to 23 cyber crimes
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A teenage member of black hat hacker group Lizard Squad has pleaded guilty to numerous charges brought against him in his native Canada, all centred on illegal computer activities. The group notoriously launched DDoS attacks on both PlayStationNetwork and Xbox Live…
UK police allegedly nab another Lizard Squad hacker on suspicion of cyber-fraud
Reports are continuing to trickle in about more members of Lizard Squad garnering the attention of international authorities. On December 29th, Vinnie Omari, a 22-year-old British citizen was arrested by law enforcement agents from the South East Regional Organized Crime […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Lizard Squad Takes Down Destiny, COD Ghosts And FIFA 15 Servers
Hacker group, The Lizard Squad, are causing havoc to the gaming community again by taking down the servers for Destiny, Call of Duty: Ghosts and EA. The Lizard Squad tweeted the following messages: “CoD Ghosts & Destiny #offline” and “EA […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Destiny servers hacked, Hacker group ‘Lizard Squad’ takes responsibility
Lizard Squad, the notorious of group of hackers who had ‘hacked’ into the PSN late august, had caused a lot of havoc as they interrupted gameplay for many players. They had brought the servers down by using the Data Denial […] For more information go to, http://www.,…