Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans This week’s news about the CIA having the ability to access cell phones didn’t come as a surprise to some. However, there are also those that are concerned about whether or not withholding that information from tech companies is safe ……
Anonymous claims responsibility for Census Bureau hack
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Online hacking group Anonymous is taking responsibility for breaching U.S. Census Bureau databases and posting what looks like personally identifiable information on various federal and state government employees. In a tweet Wednesday, the collective posted a link to a website that…
Cyber Security It’s Your Responsibility
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Today’s world is heavily influenced by technology and digital media, making cyber security a hot topic, especially for the federal government in light of the recent hack to the Office of Personnel Management system. Cyber security is about protecting personal information…
Destiny servers hacked, Hacker group ‘Lizard Squad’ takes responsibility
Lizard Squad, the notorious of group of hackers who had ‘hacked’ into the PSN late august, had caused a lot of havoc as they interrupted gameplay for many players. They had brought the servers down by using the Data Denial […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Syria’s Internet Blackout for several hours ! responsibility claimed by ECA
Thursday morning syria’s all major networks were bring down , The responsibility has been claimed by European Cyber Army by posting a message against Syrian electronic army at pastebin. European Cyber Army wrotes @ECA_Legion Transmission from the “European Cyber Army” As you may or may not have noticed Syria…
What is wrong with this picture?: The lives of Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson and the responsibility of “us” scholars
In front of our eyes, we are witnessing the war against “the other.” Not only are our black men being murdered in the name of the destructive “Stand Your Ground” law, but it has recently become evident that black lesbian women remain at the destructive end of violence as well….
Kwanzaa day 3- Ujima (collective work and responsibility)
Photo: On the third day of Kwanzaa, we celebrate Ujima (oo-jee-mah), which means collective work and responsibility. The purpose of this day is to focus on ways to build and maintain our community as a collective force. It also represents the recognition and respect of the idea that without our…
Hacker Nyre Claims Responsibility for Pirate Bay Attack
The hacker says the attack was motivated by the fact that he’s ‘highly against Anonymous.’ View full post on eSecurityPlanet RSS Feed View full post on National Cyber Security
Anonymous hater claims responsibility for Pirate Bay DDoS attack
A hacker who claims to hate both Anonymous and notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay has claimed responsibility for the DDoS attack that the bittorent website has been suffering for the last 24 hours. View full post on security View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
Anonymous claims responsibility for Home Office cyber attack
The hacking group follows through on its threat to target the UK government. View full post on cyber attack – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security